Nil Desperandum Foundation is involved in activities aimed at preventing the causes of crime. In this area, we cooperate with Grzegorz Czerwicki, the author of the book “You are not sentenced”, who conducts workshops on crime prevention in prisons and youth education centres.

Grzegorz spent 12 years in prison. Addicted, homeless and without a family, he found himself at the very bottom. At the end of his second stint, in unusual circumstances, he converted and completely changed his life. After his release, he made up for lost time, completed his education, found a job, got married and today is a happy husband and father. After 15 years, he found his sister.

For several years, he has been visiting prisons, juvenile correctional centres and reformatories telling the story of his life, bringing hope and concrete tips to those lost on how to get out of their “prison”. He described his story in the bestselling book “You are not sentenced”, (“Nie jesteś skazany”), which received a lot of coverage in many media outlets in Poland.

Grzegorz runs a profile on Facebook where he regularly posts from his meetings in prisons and youth education centres, among other places. He also runs the Free Vlog and the “Tata wymiata” channel: –

You can support Grzegorz Czerwicki’s activities by making a donation by bank transfer.
Target account: Grzegorz Czerwicki’s activities

Account no. in PLN: 78109000880000000149899504 
Account no. in USD: PL91109000880000000149899658
Title: Donation for Grzegorz Czerwicki’s activities
Nil Desperandum Foundation
Mirtowa Street 29
04-690 Warsaw
KRS 0000718513